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Game Changers

Trócaire Game Changers. Create a game. Change the world.

Be a Game Changer in 2024-25!

Game Changers is a programme for young people who want to learn about issues affecting our world today. Game changers encourages young people to engage with global justice issues by creating either board, card or digital games. It is open to young people from primary, post primary and youth settings.

To support young people, teachers and youth workers through this process, Trócaire offers free workshops in schools. The workshops explore what global justice means, and introduces young people to games design techniques. Young people then design their own games exploring global justice issues, such as climate change, gender equality or conflict and enter it in the Game Changers competition.

If you would like to sign up or learn more, email your local field officer and eco-schools@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org.

You can also download the educator pack HERE, which is full of advice and information on how to work with your class/youth group in designing their own game, as well as having all of the logistical information you need to enter the competition. (*Will update with the 2024-2025 dates when available.)

Game Changers Webpage

Registration Link for 2024-2025