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Early Years

The Weatherbies is our official Early Years Partner

For resources, please use our interactive document below:

The Weatherbies are a community of loveable weather themed characters including Sammy Sun, Rosie Rainbow, Colin Cloud, Flo Snow, Ronny Rain, Willy Wind and many more! They all love going on adventures in their world of Skytown.

The Weatherbies will entertain, excite and educate children all at the same time. They enjoy recycling, eating healthily, growing fruit and vegetables, reading books, using solar and wind power, as well as helping, playing and sharing with their friends.

News & Opportunities

Announcing The Weatherbies & Eco-Schools NI Song Competition!

Eco-Schools & The Weatherbies are inviting Northern Irish schools to create a 1–2-minute song (in English or Irish) and accompanying artwork, based on their school's Eco Code and featuring one or more of The Weatherbies characters.

The Weatherbies music and animation team will visit the winning school to professionally record their song, and will create a beautiful video of the children's artwork to accompany it.

You can sign up for the Weatherbies newsletter to hear all the details when they are ready via the link below and be sure to follow The Weatherbies on social media to keep up to date with them - just search for @theweatherbies or @naweatherbies